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What's inside a Pockitudes journal?

We often get asked, “What’s inside a Pockitudes journal?” and sometimes photographs don’t do it justice. Below, you’ll find all of the text that is featured inside all of our journals. Let’s being…

When you first open your journal you will discover an introduction from our founder, Frederic, on the left page and an overview of the 4-Step Gratitude Practice on the right page.

Left side:
pock•i•tude noun / a gratitude recorded
in a pocket-sized journal

Hello and thank you for being here.

As a recovering negative thinker, I never imagined a life of seeing the cup half full. For many years I struggled with anxiety, panic attacks, and dark, self-defeating thoughts. I was my own worst archenemy and this self-hostility only created more suffering and sadness.

My mental health took a dramatic turn for the better once I started to live a life of gratitude, and turned my destructive patterns into healthy habits, like the ones detailed in the Self-care Checklist. For me, it takes a daily practice to remind myself of the joys and gifts of being alive. I hope this journal serves as a helpful tool on your journey to mental well-being.

Be kind to yourself, 
Frederic, Founder

Right side:

Research shows that unplugging a few minutes a day, handwriting gratitudes, committing acts of kindness, and setting positive intentions can have a beneficial impact on our overall mental health.

The six categories encourage us to look beyond the usual and consider a variety of opportunities that inspire gratitude. Select all that apply and write down your gratitude below to encourage mindfulness.

This prompt invites self-reflection, changing gratitude from a way of doing to a way of being.

Helping others without expectations takes us out of our self-centered mindset and increases our connection to each other.

Reflections help us gain insights about ourselves, and setting positive intentions create a vision for what we want and help quiet the inner critic. 

Breathe, Smile, Share, Tag & Follow @pockitudes

In addition to prompts to categorize your gratitude, detail why you’re grateful, today’s act of kindness, and space to record your reflections and positive Intentions, each spread features one original inspirational quote:

  1. Gratitude is a mindful state of being, turning what I have into enough.

  2. Taking time in nature grounds my body, calms my mind, and heals my spirit.

  3. Prioritizing self-care is vital for my mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

  4. Generosity, kindness, and giving are ways to heal ourselves and our communities. 

  5. To forgive myself is an act of love and kindness, and a positive step towards helping me forgive others.

  6. With self-love, I can carry the burden of regret and offer compassion to others who carry theirs. 

  7. A playful heart awakens a grateful heart. I will play in a way that makes me feel joyful and alive.

  8. Kindness is an active, conscious practice in non-judgment and acceptance of what is.

  9. Having humanity is a practice in remembering we are all connected despite our differences.

  10. My path to freedom from anger is to release judgment and practice compassion for myself and others.

  11. Self-healing is forgiving and unconditionally loving all parts of myself. 

  12. Remembering the impermanence of all things is another path to gratitude. This too shall pass. 

  13. Slowing down and taking time for quiet and stillness  replenishes my mind and body.

  14. I support my nervous system in times of anxiety and stress when I move my body and take deep breaths.

  15. To surrender is the courage to let go of control and trust that everything I need is already here.

  16. When I am grateful, kindness, forgiveness, patience, and love are easier. 

  17. Negative thoughts are programs from my past that I can change with awareness, practice, and patience. 

The last two pages of the journals feature a note to help you lessen the pressure to find gratitude. On the opposite side, you’ll discover 18 self-care tips that help Frederic support his overall mental wellness and encourage positive mental health.

Left side:

Allow yourself the time and space to notice your feelings. How is your body responding? Do you feel tightness in your chest? Has your breathing become shallow? Write what is happening. If you can, move your body, shake, dance, jump, walk. Change your physical state. Find a way to process your emotions in a safe and healing way.

Another practice to try is grounding. Tune in to your senses. Move your awareness from what you are thinking to what you are sensing. Notice everything, the feel of your feet, the smells, what you hear or see, and turn your attention to your breathing. According to science, our exhale triggers a calming response (think sighing but more intentional). Breathe in for three counts, exhale for six. Do this for a minute or two.

Gratitude is not about denying the difficult things, or ignoring what’s happening in the moment. It’s finding our way to relief in the midst of chaos. It’s allowing the body to release emotions without reacting to them. Gratitude is about taking care of ourselves in the most loving and compassionate way. 

Discover more at pockitudes.com and @pockitudes.

Left side:

  • What gives you happiness?  Write it down. 

  • Rest, try to get a good night’s sleep. 

  • Tune into your senses, be present, again & again. 

  • Do something kind & good for someone else. 

  • Go outside & be present with nature. 

  • Be with people, community, & socialize. 

  • Practice deep breathing (in for 3, out for 6). 

  • Pause, slow down, meditate (even for a minute).

  • Move the body (run, dance, walk, hike, swim...). 

  • Drink enough water, stay hydrated. 

  • Eat mindfully, enjoy a meal slowly. 

  • Embrace quality alone time (with a book, pet...). 

  • Notice what you can control & what you can’t.

  • Unplug, even for just a few minutes. 

  • Smile, laugh, play, & be silly. 

  • Say “NO!” to negative self-talk the moment it starts.

  • Forgive yourself for your mistakes.

  • Remember impermanence. This too shall pass.

And that concludes your tour inside a Pockitudes mindfulness and gratitude journal practice. Please contact us if you have any questions about the practice, the journals, to invite Frederic to share his story and practice with your team, or anything else that’s on your mind. Be well.