"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom" - Socrates

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I finally understand it. No one is waiting for me to be better. No one actually needs me to do anything. I become who I am when I stop caring who I am not. I become who I am because I let go of the fear, the judgements, the masks, the story that I am not yet the best version of myself. Authenticity is not about remolding, fixing, studying, chasing success, and working hard to be a better version.

Authenticity, aliveness and true happiness is stepping in to the awareness, presence, and embodiment that our truest self is underneath all that chasing, all that noise and busy-ness. We are already amazing and whole, beautiful and perfect. To truly know thyself, is to feel this in its infinite capacity.

Learn more about how to start your own gratitude practice in our guide.