The Joy List

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What does joy feel like? The joy that grips and electrifies us from the inside, when all the right sensory conditions merge to create bliss, elatedness, even ecstasy. Joy is manifested by the purity of feeling—feeling freedom, weightlessness and love for what we are experiencing. Joy holds us in the arms of lightness and laughter, reminding us the reasons we want to be alive. Joy is a gift given to us by the miraculous existence of this breathing body built to feel joy and pleasure just as it’s built to feel sadness or pain. So how do we find joy when we need it the most, without addictive substances, without desperation or dependency on something that in the end doesn’t serve us? How do we make joy so accessible, it becomes part of our daily rituals? How about making a Joy List?

It’s almost too simple. Try it. Right now. Write a list of all the things that bring you joy (in your Pockitudes gratitude journal ;-). You can even categorize your list. Joy in the home, Joy outside of the home. Joy with friends, Joy with family. Joy that costs money. Joy that is free. Spontaneous Joy. Joy that needs to be planned ahead. Joy I need to experience!! Whatever!!

Off the top of my head, here is a short list of my current joys:

  1. Hiking in the woods alongside a creek or river, listening to nature without distraction

  2. Laughing and connecting with friends

  3. Moving my body to music, in dance class, or anywhere else

  4. Teaching Dance

  5. Celebrating birthdays

  6. Walking barefoot in soft grass

  7. Seeing wild animals/creatures in my backyard (like fireflies in the summer)

  8. Making my husband and/or children laugh

  9. Going to a music concert of one of my favorite groups

  10. Puppies and kittens

  11. Cooking together with the family

  12. Improv comedy shows

  13. Bali!! Haven’t been yet but it’s on the list!

Your list will change, and hopefully it will grow. Use this list as a go to on a rainy or sad day. Use this list to change your life and make joy a priority.

PS. A joy list = gratitude list :-). More joy = more gratitude.

Misa Terral

Learn more about how to start your own gratitude practice in our guide.